Singles Banded Ladder | May 2021

Kieran and the Adult Tennis Committee are delighted to welcome everyone back to Rathgar Tennis Club.

We are resuming the social Singles Ladders that almost got off the ground in December 2020.

Some new members names have been added, this is a great way for them to familiarise themselves with the club and it’s members and I’m sure they will be given a warm welcome.

The aim of this event is to get members tennis fit while playing some sociable games at least once a week.

Some groups are larger than others so get your matches arranged in order to meet the June closing date.


  1. All matches will be the first to 8 games. Tie Break at 7-7 if required. Full games. Players provide tennis balls and lights.
  2. Every game won in the match = 1 point
  3. The score must be recorded after the game on the Group WhatsApp.
  4. Players to organise their own matches and play everybody in their Group. All Group matches to be played by JUNE 10th
  5. ALL players in each Group must text their Group Captain to facilitate the setting up of a WhatsApp contact group.

All Group matches to be played by June 10th, 2021

Contact details for Group Captains (and all members) are available on the ClubManager365 software.

Login, click on MyServices followed by MyDashboard.

Group captains

The Tennis Committee thanks the Captains in advance for their help. A few points to note:

  • The onus will be on the captain of each croup to set up a WhatsApp group.
  • The captain should ensure matches are being arranged and played to meet the June 10th closing date.
  • The captain should keep a record of all scores and return them to Club Captain, Joan Ennis, when all matches have been completed.

Enjoy your matches.

Ladders are also available under Club News on