Back up and running!
Exciting news with the date of 26th April, 2021 being announced as a very much anticipated return to tennis.
This has been a challenging year for all in Rathgar Tennis Club but with the continued roll out of vaccinations and the number of infections dropping, we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and a return to some form of normality.
In preparation for the return to tennis, we, the Executive Committee, have been making improvements to the facilities at RTC, these include:
- Our innovative website which will be up and running before return to play
- A New CCTV system has been installed
- A deep clean of the five back Courts will take place prior to reopening
- The trees surrounding the perimeter of the Courts will be pruned at the start of May
- The area surrounding the end of the Clubhouse and the practice wall is being cleaned and tidied up.
- The Foyer, stairs and landing have been painted
- Cycle and scooter stands will be installed in the near future
We are committed to the continuing upkeep and improvement of all facilities at RTC.
We are so looking for seeing you all again soon.
As always, for any further information, keep an eye on your SmartClub account, or contact Catherine in the office on 353 087 2330749 (Monday – Thursday 2-6pm)